February 5th-6th
Location: The Ford Hall of Champions
(Located within Kyle Field)
Ford Hall of Champions
Recruiter Check-in: 8:00 - 10:00 AM (Keep in mind, the Career Fair will start promptly at 10:00 AM, so we recommend you arrive no later than 9:45)
Career Fair: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Dropping off equipment
​Drop off equipment at this address prior to parking
Lot 62, 159 Wellborn Road, College Station, TX 77840 - See Map Here
​Parking is only available for 30 minutes and is very limited, leave your hazards on and unload your car there. We will have our team help you to unload your car.

Along with complimentary breakfast and lunch, the Recruiter Hospitality Room provides refreshments, and a private quiet area to relax, take phone calls, and answer emails. Snacks and coffee will be available throughout the day and is located in the Presidential Lounge. Wi-Fi information will be provided in a folder at your booth.
Breakfast will be served from 8:00 AM - 10:15 AM
Lunch will be served from 11:30 AM - 1:30 PM
Gluten-free and vegetarian options will be available
Packages must arrive by Tuesday, February 4th to be processed. All packages processed by February 4th will be placed at your designated booth the morning of the fair. At the conclusion of the fair, recruiters must return all packages to the designated shipping area to be returned (Southeast Corner of the Hall of Champions, the far back right if looking from recruiter check-in).
The address is as follows:
BSC Career Fair
Company Name
756 Houston St. - Kyle Field
College Station, TX 77843-1228
We recommend parking in either Koldus Garage (also known as University Center Garage) or West Campus Garage. If you are staying at the Texas A&M Hotel & Conference Center, you may also park in Gene Stallings Garage. All of these options are a short walking distance from the fair.
Booth Logistics:
Companies will know their booth location on the day of the fair when they arrive at the recruiter check-in.
Each booth is 8 feet deep by 10 feet wide. They each have a sign that states which majors your company is looking to recruit and are furnished with a skirted table and 2 chairs. The table dimensions are 6' x 30''.
There is electricity available at booths if needed. Each booth will also have gum and two water bottles.
Click "Booth Assignments" below to find your booth location.
Click the photo of the Hall of Champions to find a booth layout map.
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