BSC does not provide parking for the Career Fair.
Below, we have located three visitor garages that you may park in (shaded yellow). The location of the fair is indicated with a red star. This is where recruiters may drop off their materials prior to parking.
Recruiters may not park in the Hall of Champions parking lot as you will get towed (Lot 61 / 62). However, you may park for a maximum of 30 minutes to drop off your equipment. Our team will be standing by to help assist you.
To view hourly rates, see real-time availability of parking spaces in the garages, or to purchase a prepaid visitor parking pass, click here

Option 1: West Campus Garage (preferred)
Located at 201 John Kimbrough Blvd, College Station, TX 77840
This is the shortest and easiest walk to the fair.
Option 2: Koldus Garage (also known as University Center Garage)
Option 3: Cain Garage (not preferred)
Located at 500 Gene Stallings Blvd, College Station, TX 77843
Unless you are staying at the A&M hotel, we recommend parking at the other garages as this area is congested most of the day and the lot is likely to be full